Nothing here yet! :)


I will blacklist anyone immediately if they are found breaking these under any circumstance. Thank you.

+ Do not use my designs for hate speech, p/dophilia, abuse, etc.

+ Do not "colorpick" or heavily rip-off my designs. Inspiration is fine within reason.

+ If found breaking my TOS, it will result in an automatic blacklist.

+ I have the right to blacklist you if you just make me uncomfortable owning my designs.

+ I don't mind if you use my designs for commercial use, but I'd like to be notified if you do!

(Once blacklisted, I encourage the owner to rehome the character as soon as possible. Do not harass or go out of your way to witchhunt these users.)
+ @/alblno
+ @/necropheels / deadholic / X4N4
+ @/sal (th) + cherryguro (dA)
+ @/ATOM/NSA & anyone associated with him in general.
+ InkGlitter/Nostalquic
+ Pukata, potentially is associated with or is InkGlitter.

NOTE: Do not seek out/trade for/buy my designs if you have me blacklisted, blocked, or state you "don't support me." It makes me incredibly uncomfortable and is very strange that people who do not like me are still after & actively collecting my designs. It also makes it very difficult for me to keep track of my designs & make sure my TOS is not being broken.

+ I don't do refunds on adopts.

+ You may only sell designs for what you paid for them.

+ You may add on value with art purchased as well as art you made, but no free art.

+ If you would like me to make edits on an adoptable I may charge an extra fee, but you're allowed to make changes to my art yourself!

+ Characters obtained via trade cannot be resold for real, or virtual currency unless they have had money or virtual currency spent on them (i.e; commissions)

+ If you receive a design by me through a custom design trade you may sell it for $25 (worth can go up if art was purchased/made)

+ If you are gifted one of my designs please do not resell it without permission from me & the previous owner.